Retinoids: Facts and Fiction

October 18 2017 – Benjamin Fuchs

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retinoids how to, how to use retinol, best retinol anti-aging, retinol anti-wrinkle

The Retinoids, a family of molecules most people know as Vitamin A, are highly effective anti-aging and anti-acne ingredients. I have personally witnessed dramatic improvements in blemished skin, wrinkles, and fine lines as well as significant lightening of age spots, results that have been corroborated by many decades of scientific research and dozens of clinical studies.  Still, myths surrounding these Vitamin A derivatives abound.  With that in mind, I’d like to clear up any confusion so you can use this superstar ingredient to its full advantage for firmer, smoother and more glowing skin.



The Myth: All Vitamin A derivatives starting with the letters “Ret-“are the same.
The Truth: Prescription creams such as Retin-A and Renova are formulated with Retinoic Acid (brand name Tretinoin). It is considered to be 100 times more potent than non-prescription Retinol and so, much more effective and potentially more irritating. Off-the-shelf Retinol is less likely to cause skin reactivity but is also less powerful than its prescription counterpart so you’ll need higher concentrations of it to achieve results.  Derivatives, such as Retinyl Palmitate and Retinyl Acetate, need to be processed by skin enzymes before they can be active and achieve most of their effects by superficial skin softening.   They are, however, the gentlest forms of Vitamin A even though they are the least likely to provide meaningful benefits.



The Myth: As long as a product has Retinol, you’ll get great results.
The Truth: To achieve the most noticeable effects in the least amount of time, you need to use products with higher concentrations (ideally over 2.0%) of Retinol which can be costly for manufacturers and increase the potential for irritating skin.  This is why most “Retinol” products contain only trace or slightly higher (0.01% to 0.5%) amounts of this active ingredient, which means you are getting only the sizzle of Retinol without the steak and might have to wait up to 12 weeks to see any kind of advantages. 



The Myth: Retinoids are major irritants.
The Truth: While Retinoids do have some irritation potential, it is likely the other ingredients in Retinol product formulations, such as fragrances, oils, fillers, emulsifiers, surfactants and preservatives that can cause the inflammation attributed to Retinoids. That’s why it is crucial to use both a potent and pure formulation free of potentially irritating and always unnecessary (at least from a skin health respective) excipients.



